
To exist is to change; to change is to mature;
to mature is to create oneself endlessly.”

- Henry Bergson (1859-1941)

FENG SHUI (fung shway) is the science of design and placement.  It is the psychological pursuit of how we are affected by our environment and its' influences.  By design, it helps to break through blocks in personal development and assess and treat according to landscape, astrology, philosophy and various other aspects or goals of one's life.  It is an age-old cultural tradition which brings together the ancient beliefs of Tibetan mysticism with spatial arrangement and specific principles of home, business and landscape design.  The purpose is to create balance with the natural order using the flow of energy called "chi", which when achieved, can bring prosperity, happiness and harmony.  Practiced in Asia for over three thousand years, FENG SHUI seeks to create the most comfortable, harmonious and healthiest chi in which to live work and play.

- color and furniture/object placement for optimum balance and harmony
- design psychology to improve the environment and personal changes
- bagua analysis to reach goals in various aspects of life such as Career,  
  Relationships, Wealth, Health, Children, Knowledge, Helpful People, Fame, Travel
- assessment of the five element theory to encourage and enliven chi
- clutter management
- compass principles
- land and space assessment
- electromagnetic assessment


Copyright 2016 Feng Shui Spirit. Web design by A. Creations